Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Feedback - Mike Kilby

Bit gutted that our patch didn't load properly on Rob's laptop, but we found afterwards that our patch loaded fine on 3 other computers so I'm thinking maybe Rob hasn't got the Quicktime software required to load portable network graphics files into the Max pict.ctrl objects...

Anyway, we've listened to the feeedback on what we did manage to show the museum staff, and we're going to make the following changes to our patch:

1) A better defined colour scheme - the red background looks nice but gives no imporession of good catch so we're going to use the Quiz background image. We've already done this and there's some things that don't look quite right so this might need some adjustments.

2) Simpler text - this was the most emphasised problem, that the text on the charms was way too long and had some big words in that kids might not understand, the same goes for some of the quiz questions/answers. Ash is working on getting this fixed.

3) Voiceovers - These were also quite long with some big words again (one or two of which were mispronounced), so Ash is going to re-record them this week.

4) Video/image copyrights. Dave is working on getting some other footage as we've looked at the BBC policies and they're not too kind! It shouldn't be too much work as two of the videos are compiled mainly with royalty-free images anyway.

That's it in terms of feedback, but there are a few little bugs that me and Mike C are working on getting ironed out. We want to go in towards the end of this week to test our patch works properly with the Lemur.

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